Friday, December 16, 2005

Requisite Update

Okay, so things with girl #2 didn't work out either. t'was fun while it lasted. So now my counter has been reset and I will be out on the town all weekend looking for a new lady, be it lady luck, lady love, or maybe just a poodle named Lady.

I am, however, finding that dating as much as possible during the winter is a great way to avoid the funk I usually end up in during the november to february period, which usually includes a variety of soul crushing events such as exams (no longer), new year's eve, birthday, valentines day, etc.

I have confirmed my initial suspicion that I would be good at Dance Dance Revolution. In fact, I'm damn good at it. Makes me wonder if in another life I was a Run DMC music video dancer.

I am also noticing various omens lately and struggling to interpret them. I am not a superstitious person by any stretch, but after reading The Alchemist a couple of years ago, I started being more open to interpreting what the world is trying to say to me, other than "you need to get laid more". That one I got, loud and clear. Thanks.

The other day I was reading a book while standing on the subway right next to a door. The bookmark was one of those cheesy Indigo ones with a clever quote on it. It said, "Computers are useless, they can only give you answers, - Pablo Picasso". It's hard to describe how this happened, but when the train left St. Clair station, I felt the bookmark shift, and then, poof. It was gone. I think it fell into the space between the train and the platform, but it was as if it disappeared into thin air. I see that as an omen. Also, just before this happened, the bookmark was poking out of the book in such a way that only the words "they can only give you answers" were showing.

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