Thursday, May 24, 2007

Some Inconvenient Truths

  1. Going to the DMV can be a time consuming affair.

  2. It is not possible to lose weight unless you reduce your caloric intake and/or increase your physical activity level.

  3. Most girls with pants worth getting into require a substantial investment, both temporal and monetary.

  4. Despite best efforts at hygiene, you will be in constant contact with germs and bacteria throughout your life.

  5. No matter how much dough you're making, it's not enough to afford the stuff you don't need.

  6. The more you think through a great idea, the less excited you'll be about it.

  7. The stock market is a zero-sum game. If you win, some other schmuck loses. This was wisely pointed out as being untrue.

  8. You will die. Sorry.

  9. It's really hard to understand even yourself, so you can forget about truly understanding anyone else.

  10. Money doesn't buy happiness, but its absence can almost certainly cause unhappiness.

  11. Most of the people rallying against the war in Iraq were clucking in support of it not so long ago.

  12. Humans are easily influenced and manipulated. Even you.

  13. Donating to charities makes you feel good, but all the money that goes to all the charities is not even enough to cover a fraction of the interest owed on third world debt.

  14. Some of the best things in life are not good for you.

  15. Despite the various safety stats, skydiving is still not as safe as not skydiving.