Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

My new year's resolution (which I never seriously make) is to post more on my blog that nobody reads. A distant second is to eat less and shit more, resulting in the most perfect and simple net loss of weight. Atkins ain't for shit, I am!

So while I'm at it, I might as well update the update and say that my dating has resulted in a profound psychological crisis. It wasn't so much the dating as it was running into someone recently. You know who I'm talking about. It's the person you like so much that you can't breathe when you're around them. Ya, so I ran into her and had a mini anxiety attack. Which is nothing compared to the full-fledged anxiety attack I had last time I ran into her in a similar situation. So I'm left wondering if A) I'll ever feel like that about anyone capable of returning the sentiment, and B) If everyone out there is in the exact same situation and struggling to find and be happy with the second greatest whatever in the world.

I've never met someone who is simultaneously a romantic idealist and happy. Everyone who is happy has in some way found themselves betraying their original intent and forgetting about it.
I'll work on that tonight, using rum and pizza as the catalysts.

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