#1 was with two ladies with very different backgrounds. I was telling them about the BodyWorlds 2 exhibit that I'd be seeing today, and was interested in getting their perspectives on the subject. One studies animal behavior and so was (like me) keen on the aspects of humanity that are basically animal and reminding ourselves of the similarity between us and other animals. The other was quite opposed to the exhibit and felt like it was a violation to show these bodies devoid of the so-called higher aspects that define what it is to be a human.
#2 was with a longtime friend who has been kind of directionless in life for a while now and trying to get him to see why he should play the game of life rather than have the game of life play him. This was a pretty moving exchange between us, but in the end I got the feeling that nothing I say will be the cause of any substantial difference in his behavior or outlook. So I let it be.
Here are a couple of pictures I took:

This is me with Dan, once he showed up. I'm making no face at all but for some reason when I look at this picture I see right down into myself. Next time I'll drink less and smile more.
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